{"version":3,"sources":["webpack:///./src/pages/blog/virtual-mailboxes-in-Australia.js","webpack:///./src/components/PageWrapper/PageWrapper.js","webpack:///./src/components/PageWrapper/index.js","webpack:///./src/assets/image/jpeg/old-mailbox.jpg","webpack:///./src/assets/image/png/quote-icon.png"],"names":["Post","styled","Box","theme","colors","heading","text","iconQuote","BadgePost","children","mr","mb","bg","color","fontSize","px","py","BlogDetails","footerDark","className","lg","variant","src","titleImage","alt","styles","href","mt","PageWrapper","headerDark","gContext","useContext","GlobalContext","useEffect","goHeaderDark","goHeaderLight","goFooterDark","goFooterLight","module","exports"],"mappings":"4FAAA,mLAaMA,EAAOC,YAAOC,KAAV,0FAAGD,CAAH,mkBA2BG,qBAAGE,MAAkBC,OAAOC,WAc5B,qBAAGF,MAAkBC,OAAOE,OAGpBC,KAoBfC,EAAY,SAAC,GAAD,IAAGC,EAAH,EAAGA,SAAH,OAChB,kBAAC,IAAD,CACEC,GAAI,EACJC,GAAI,EACJC,GAAG,UACHC,MAAM,UACNC,SAAS,OACTC,GAAI,EACJC,GAAI,GAEHP,IAqFUQ,UAhFK,WAClB,OACE,oCACE,kBAAC,IAAD,CAAaC,YAAU,GACrB,kBAAC,IAAD,CAASC,UAAU,QACjB,yBAAKA,UAAU,SACf,kBAAC,IAAD,KACE,kBAAC,IAAD,CAAKA,UAAU,sCACb,kBAAC,IAAD,CAAKC,GAAG,MACN,kBAAC,IAAD,CAAOC,QAAQ,QAAf,uDAGA,kBAAC,IAAD,CAAKF,UAAU,iCACb,kBAAC,IAAD,CAAMT,GAAI,GAAV,eAEA,kBAAC,IAAD,6BAOV,kBAAC,IAAD,CAASS,UAAU,aACjB,kBAAC,IAAD,KACE,kBAAC,IAAD,KACE,kBAAC,IAAD,CAAKC,GAAG,KAAKD,UAAU,QAErB,kBAACnB,EAAD,KACE,6BACE,yBAAKsB,IAAKC,IAAYC,IAAI,kBAAkBL,UAAWM,IAAOF,cAEhE,6BACE,upBAEA,sOAA2M,uBAAGG,KAAK,+BAAR,YAA3M,8LACA,oEACA,8nBAAmmB,uBAAGA,KAAK,+BAAR,YAAnmB,8GACA,m8BACA,6EACA,iqBACA,+DACA,qZACA,uDACA,yRACA,oDACA,iCAAM,uBAAGA,KAAK,+BAAR,YAAN,+OACA,oDACA,qWACA,6CACA,8aACA,6CACA,sbACA,mFACA,yHACA,8CACA,gzBACA,0CACA,uPAA4N,uBAAGA,KAAK,+BAAR,YAA5N,yJACA,8CACA,wzBACA,0CACA,4QAAiP,uBAAGA,KAAK,+BAAR,YAAjP,6TACA,0XAGJ,kBAAC,IAAD,CAAKP,UAAU,SAASQ,GAAI,GAC1B,kBAACnB,EAAD,wBACA,kBAACA,EAAD,uBACA,kBAACA,EAAD,2C,uECxIHoB,EApBK,SAAC,GAA0D,IAAxDnB,EAAuD,EAAvDA,SAAuD,IAA7CoB,kBAA6C,aAAzBX,kBAAyB,SACtEY,EAAWC,qBAAWC,KAgB5B,OAdAC,qBAAU,WACJJ,EACFC,EAASI,eAETJ,EAASK,gBAGPjB,EACFY,EAASM,eAETN,EAASO,kBAEV,CAACP,EAAUD,EAAYX,IAEnB,oCAAGT,ICrBZ,mC,qBCAA6B,EAAOC,QAAU,IAA0B,2D,mBCA3CD,EAAOC,QAAU","file":"component---src-pages-blog-virtual-mailboxes-in-australia-js-e560f092b3a08406002e.js","sourcesContent":["import React from \"react\";\r\nimport { Link } from \"gatsby\";\r\nimport { Container, Row, Col } from \"react-bootstrap\";\r\n\r\nimport PageWrapper from \"../../components/PageWrapper\";\r\nimport { Section, Title, Text, Box, Badge } from \"../../components/Core\";\r\n\r\nimport styled from \"styled-components\";\r\n\r\nimport titleImage from \"../../assets/image/jpeg/old-mailbox.jpg\";\r\nimport iconQuote from \"../../assets/image/png/quote-icon.png\";\r\nimport styles from '../../assets/styles/blog.module.css';\r\n\r\nconst Post = styled(Box)`\r\n overflow: hidden;\r\n font-size: 1rem;\r\n\r\n h2,\r\n h3,\r\n h4,\r\n h5,\r\n h6,\r\n p,\r\n blockquote,\r\n pre,\r\n ul,\r\n ol {\r\n margin-bottom: 1.25rem;\r\n &:last-child {\r\n margin-bottom: 0;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n h2,\r\n h3,\r\n h4,\r\n h5,\r\n h6 {\r\n margin-top: 2.25rem;\r\n margin-bottom: 1.25rem;\r\n color: ${({ theme }) => theme.colors.heading} !important;\r\n }\r\n ol li {\r\n list-style-type: decimal;\r\n }\r\n\r\n ul li {\r\n list-style-type: disc;\r\n }\r\n\r\n blockquote {\r\n margin-bottom: 1.25rem;\r\n padding-left: 50px;\r\n position: relative;\r\n color: ${({ theme }) => theme.colors.text} !important;\r\n font-size: 20px;\r\n &::after {\r\n content: url(${iconQuote});\r\n display: inline-block;\r\n min-width: 28px;\r\n max-width: 28px;\r\n margin-top: 8px;\r\n margin-right: 23px;\r\n position: absolute;\r\n top: 0;\r\n left: 0;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n img,\r\n iframe,\r\n video {\r\n max-width: 100%;\r\n margin-bottom: 2rem;\r\n display: block;\r\n }\r\n`;\r\n\r\nconst BadgePost = ({ children }) => (\r\n \r\n {children}\r\n \r\n);\r\n\r\n\r\nconst BlogDetails = () => {\r\n return (\r\n <>\r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n The effectiveness of virtual mailboxes in Australia\r\n \r\n \r\n May 5, 2021\r\n \r\n Michael Tippett\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n {/* */}\r\n \r\n
\r\n \"Virtual\r\n

Are you an investor, and your business mails are inconvenient because you are always on the move? Or are you exhausted from coming back to where your physical address is located to sort out a pile of mail? Well, you definitely deserve better due to your hard work of trying to provide for yourself or your family. The virtual mailboxes will perfectly work to sort out all your mailing fears. They don’t need to have a physical location which is a convenient factor for you. Virtual mailboxes can also be used in different localities, making it easier for you to upload mails. Yet, more importantly, you can receive them from anyone.\r\n


Suppose you own a business or are planning to invest around Australia. In that case, the virtual mailboxes are highly effective and convenient for your business or other purposes around Australia. At HotSnail, you will be able to sign in and locate your mails at any time around the clock. Under this article, you will learn how convenient mailboxes are and how flexible their services can be.


1. What does a virtual mailbox offer


As stated earlier, a virtual mailbox is unlike any other mailing system. It allows its users to locate and read mails online using any device at any time. At hotsnail, virtual mailboxes in Australia are convenient for anyone. You get to perform your daily activities and later can access your mailing system with just a click of a button. Furthermore, the virtual mailbox can be used as a redirecting service in Australia and across the world. Hotsnail will provide you with a PO Box and a street address that will enable you to receive mail. Nevertheless, with a fully customized and easy-to-use website at HotSnail, you get to be in charge of what you need, how you need it, and most importantly, when you will need it.


The virtual mailbox Australia offers more than just the mailing process. Signing up for the website is relatively easy compared to other virtual mailboxes. All you need is to register all the required details so that they can establish who you are and your purpose in using their services. After registering, you will receive a unique user name and virtual address for your mails. After a new address is established specifically for you, update all your previous postal information so that you may never miss out on a mail. The process of updating to your new address would mean that all mails will now be forwarded to your new mail address. Therefore, after updating, you can now customize your new virtual mailbox and manage your mails with a click on the button. As a full hotsnail user, you may opt to receive all mails as usual, or you can receive only the ones you want by subscribing to the selective scanning mailing system.


2. Features of a virtual mailbox in Australia


The majority of people can open a virtual mailbox in Australia, and it does not matter for what purposes. Maybe their line of work does not allow them to be at one location for more than a month. Hence making it challenging to keep on working out permanent addresses and their mailing system. The virtual mailing system is also convenient for someone living in Australia and would want their physical address to be anonymous. They work by using a cooperate physical address and a virtual mailbox to enable them to have access to mails. Below are some of the features that make a virtual mailing system better than a physical mailing address.


Mail redirecting and forwarding


At hotsnail Australia, you can send in your snail mail and give the order of how you want your mail handled. The mail can be at the company for as long as the user wishes without being tampered with by anyone. Because you are your own boss, you will give the order on where the mail will be forwarded and when. The mail redirecting and forwarding process is quick and easy.


What should get scanned


Because the hotsnail community values your trust in them, you are provided with a chance to determine what gets opened, scanned, and sent to you. They will scan what you choose, and you will never scan any mails that you feel are irrelevant to you.


Easy to use web page


At HotSnail, the webpage is designed to be a walk in the park, even for new clients. The mails sent and received are easy to locate, so are your respective mailing history. Therefore, hotsnail can be accessed across any device at any given time.


How to receive mails


Maybe you don’t want to keep moving from web page to web page and want everything under one option. Just like receiving a regular email, hotsnail can also work to send all your mails via email. Therefore, hotsnail snail mails will work according to your authority because you deserve all the luxury you can get in this world.




Using hotsnail as your preferred virtual mailbox in Australia, they do not ask for long-term or short-term mandatory subscriptions. However, HotSnail offers you the choice that suits your needs better. After all, you are your own boss at hotsnail, and your options are yours to exploit. The website also offers comfortable pricing in its mailing processes in Australia and other parts of the world.




The mails you receive are not necessarily from a single person or a specific organization. Therefore, you will need to sort them out into their respective categories, and hotsnail can offer that option for free. So now what you do, you can create folders depending on your business needs or personal purposes. These folders will work in handy when you are allocating mails on your hotsnail browser history.


Who is serviceable by the virtual mailbox Australia


Virtual mail boxing can work for almost anybody. However, the most convenient persons are;


Small business


Small businesses across Australia are the best beneficiaries of virtual mailbox Australia. They work effectively and up to speed in delivering. The virtual mailboxes are used for advertising a business online with the use of virtual addresses. Some clients tend to trust a business that they can refer to in case of any inconveniences. However, as a small business investor, you would need a physical address that governs the legitimacy of your work. The physical address will work to prove that your business deals are not just online scams but have an official location. Nevertheless, you are not limited to a specific number of virtual business addresses at all. However, consider placing your virtual mailboxes on locations that may seem professional regarding your business line.




Australia is filled with various eye-catching sites. You don’t want to come back after your two months vacation only to find your mailbox pilled up with the past daily mails. Become an organized traveler by using the HotSnail website to sort out your emails virtually. You will receive mails in time, and it will be a convenient way to relax and enjoy your time while away.


Remote workers


Everyone around you is probably mad that you don’t have a single way to communicate by sending mails. Well, become the pro they have always thought you are by having an actual address. The virtual mailbox for remote workers in Australia is a perfect solution to their concerns and your problems. They will not necessarily get to know your actual physical address; however, your plan will work in your favor. The virtual mailbox works to your convenience. You will not need to add any extra activities from your current occupations rather;, you will receive and send mail at the comfort of your hideout. As a remote worker in Australia, you will no longer need to consider the possibilities of opening a physical address as everything will be catered for by the virtual mailboxes in Australia.




The virtue mailbox Australia will provide a permanent street address that can be used across all networks and other forums. Its legitimacy helps many who may be lacking the know-how of establishing physical addresses. As a subscriber at HotSnail, you will receive and store mail records in the website’s cloud services. Mails can be redirected and forwarded depending on your schedule. Therefore, you will not need to send mails way before for them to arrive in time. Virtual mailbox Australia ensures that all mails are received in time without hesitation.


The virtual mailing system allows the simplification of mails under one roof, unlike other physical mailing systems. As an individual, you will be offered the ability to perform various tasks without worrying about keeping tabs on all mails. As a result, the mails arrive faster, and the process is convenient and applies in the actual timeline.

\r\n \r\n Virtaul mailbox\r\n Virtual PO Box\r\n Mail Forwarding Australia\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n );\r\n};\r\nexport default BlogDetails;\r\n","import React, { useEffect, useContext } from \"react\";\r\n\r\nimport GlobalContext from \"../../context/GlobalContext\";\r\n\r\nconst PageWrapper = ({ children, headerDark = false, footerDark = false }) => {\r\n const gContext = useContext(GlobalContext);\r\n\r\n useEffect(() => {\r\n if (headerDark) {\r\n gContext.goHeaderDark();\r\n } else {\r\n gContext.goHeaderLight();\r\n }\r\n\r\n if (footerDark) {\r\n gContext.goFooterDark();\r\n } else {\r\n gContext.goFooterLight();\r\n }\r\n }, [gContext, headerDark, footerDark]);\r\n\r\n return <>{children};\r\n};\r\n\r\nexport default PageWrapper;\r\n","export { default } from \"./PageWrapper\";\r\n","module.exports = __webpack_public_path__ + \"static/old-mailbox-a7fb890ddee5fda866a63acd9f27bf6f.jpg\";","module.exports = \"\""],"sourceRoot":""}